Garbage compost making machine is a type of waste recycling equipment which can turn municipal solid wastes into valuable composts. It is an ideal solution to city waste disposal which can improve the city environment, forging a healthy environment for people living. In ShunXin, there are dedicated garbage composting facilities with different specifications for your waste treatment reference. Whether you want to process the garbage in a large or small scale, there are standard and customized facilities available to your compost production plants in ShunXin fertilizer machinery. All the machines manufactured from ShunXin are high qualified and affordable for your selection. And there are also professional solutions for your garbage treatment project.

Why should turn garbage into compost?
With the fast development of the society, people’s living standard has also been promoted. However, it also brings large quantities of wastes which exert evil influence on the city’s environment. Illnesses and diseases are easily spread through garbage or wastes in municipal cities. It critically influences a city’s development which is an ignorable problem for a city’s sustainable development. However, the msw is rich in organic wastes which can be reused as compost. The toxic materials in it need to be decomposed to reduce pollution to the environment. There are different ways to the garbage treatment, landfill, incineration, composting, etc. And the compost technology is a key way to turning cities wastes into useful resources. It cannot only kill pathogens, effectively treat organic matter in garbage, and produce compound organic fertilizer. It is a sound choice for cities in garbage treatment economically and technically.

What is the working principle of the garbage composting technology?
The main principle of this technology is to turn garbage into valuable composts for fertilization. Firstly, the non-degradable substances in municipal solid waste are recovered or properly treated by mechanical sorting. The remaining organic substances are decomposed by the action of microorganisms under appropriate water and gas conditions, and the organic matter is decomposed and the energy is generated to generate high temperature. Among them are pathogens and weed seeds, and the organic matter is stabilized, and the compost product can be used as a fertilizer for safety. To make composts from garbage, you need equip your plants with certain fertilizer facilities, such as garbage screening machine, solid waste crusher, garbage fermenting tanks, compost turning machines, etc. All these types of equipment are all available to you at factory price in ShunXin fertilizer machinery.
Ideal raw materials for garbage composting
Combined with some different types of organic materials, it will be easier to turn litter into compost. Composted materials generally include,
- Urban domestic waste, excrement, digested sludge, domestic sewage sludge, and sludge discharged from wastewater treatment facilities such as farm plants and pulp mills which can be used as composting materials.
- Material composting and fermenting requires that the C/N ratio of raw materials is 30, while the C/N ratio of general municipal solid waste is about 50. Therefore, it is not ideal to use municipal solid waste as composting raw materials alone. If it can be mixed into manure, sludge, etc. increasing nitrogen content, it is beneficial to microbial growth.

Garbage of urban life as compostable materials
Urban domestic waste is made up of paper, plastic, wood, bamboo, grass, cotton fiber, rubber, and kitchen garbage. The composition of the various raw material components varies depending on the region and season.
Sludges for composting
There are many types of sludges, which can be roughly divided into sewage sludge and industrial sludge. The former has stable composition, low C/N content and high-water content. Because the sewers often flow into industrial wastewater, they contain heavy metals and other harmful substances. The nature of industrial sludge varies greatly from industry to industry. Farm manure plant sludge can be used as an ideal compost material.
Excrement for compost production
Human excrement C/N is 2.9, pig manure is 13 and cow dung is 25, which are good composting materials. When used together with municipal waste, it can effectively adjust C/N and moisture.
All the above compostable materials can be mixed together in a certain proportion for a better qualified compost from garbage.

What facilities are needed for garbage compost making?
To make fertilizers from garbage, it needs some dedicated garbage treatment facilities supports. The following composition facilities are just for your compost plants reference.
- Garbage screening facilities. To select materials needed available for compost making.
- Garbage crushing machines. To shred solid materials for material composting.
- Manure materials dewatering facilities. To extract redundant water from manure materials, such as cow dung, human extracts, etc.
- Garbage composting tanks for fermenting. Fermenting garbage materials for material compost facility.
- Garbage compost turning facility for garbage aerobatic composting.
- Auxiliary compost facilities optional: for garbage compost bagging, packing, etc.

The above facilities for compost production just for your plants reference, and there are full range of compost production lines for your garbage compost production reference in ShunXin fertilizer machinery.
How to configure compost garbage composting facilities for your sites?
The above-mentioned facilities for garbage compost making just for your reference. However, apart from the compost processing demands on the facility, details of compost facility selection should be based on some other items. The following tips just for your selection reference: according to the construction scale of your composting plant, the technical conditions of the used processes and equipment for compost making are reasonably determined to meet the requirements of moderately improving mechanization and automation, ensuring safety, improving environmental, sanitary and labor conditions, and improving labor productivity.

Choose appropriate garbage compost methods applicable to your plants:
There are various forms in the garbage composting process. It is divided into two types according to the state of the garbage in the fermentation process.
- The garbage is mixed during the fermentation process and can be continuously fed and discharged. It is called dynamic composting.
- The garbage is in a stacked state during the fermentation process. This type of compost method is called static compost.
- Thus, choose the applicable compost method for your garbage compost production.
- Facilitating calculating tools for your garbage compost processing plants to measure and record the amount of garbage entering the factory and the source of garbage.
The above compost facilities configurations just for your plants setting reference, more details about the garbage composting solutions, welcome to contact us.

Garbage composition process
There are three steps included in the garbage composting: compostable garbage separating or processing; compostable materials fermenting; fermented garbage materials composting.
- First of all, separate decomposable and indecomposable materials (toxic and harmful materials) form city garbage with material screening machines. Then crushing those decomposable materials for material fermenting facility.
- Garbage materials fermenting: put screened and crushed decomposable garbage materials into fermenting tanks. In this process, your compost plants should meet the material fermenting requirements.
- Garbage material composting. This step adopts aerobatic static composting technology, and it needs a high temperature environment for composting. And the composting temperature should keep up to 55℃ for 7 days.
- Garbage composts quality test and inspection. Test finished garbage compost products quality and do dedusting and odor eliminating process to the garbage composts.

All types of garbage compost technologies will mainly follow the above steps. If you want to know more details, there are professional suggestions and solutions for you from Tonda expert teams.
What method is employed for the garbage composition?
Aerobic composting and anaerobic composting are two main methods for organic material composting. Aerobic composting is the absorption, oxidation and decomposition of waste by aerobic microorganisms through their own life activities, oxidizing a part of the absorbed organic matter into simple inorganic substances, and releasing the energy needed for biological growth activities, and another part the organic matter is converted into new cellular material, which allows the microorganism to grow and produce more organisms. Anaerobic composting, also known as “anaerobic fermentation composting”, is the stabilization of waste under anaerobic conditions by the metabolic activities of microorganisms, accompanied by the production of methane and carbon dioxide. In the garbage composting process, the compost turning equipment mainly choose the aerobatic composting methods for garbage compost production.

Base construction requirements for garbage composting
Apart from configuring compost facilities for your compost producing plants, the other thing you should consider is to build an ideal plant for your compost producing. During the compost production process, there are odor, polluted air giving out from the composted materials, thus you need construct relevant facilities to collect these materials. A sump (well) must be placed at the bottom of the fermentation facility. Leachate after waste fermentation should be collected as material conditioning water, and excess leachate should be sent to other sewage treatment facilities for treatment or self-treatment, and should be discharged to the standard of your country.
ShunXin fertilizer machinery can provide you complete range of facilities for your garbage compost production. Detailed about the garbage compost machine for prices, specifications, be free to contact us.