Industrial composting machine manufactured from ShunXin is a kind of compost facility for industrial organic wastes treatment. In fermenting industry, there are different types of wastes, bacteria or mycelium, raw material residue and high concentration organic wastewater. All theses types of organic matters can be recycled as fertilizers since their rich organic material contention property. Organic wastes produced from fermentation industry, such as manioc waste in new type fuel factories, grain stillages from breweries, can be fully composted assisted with ShunXin industrial waste processing machine. Equipped with ShunXin high performance industrial waste compost facility, you can turn your plants fermentation wastes automatically, in a large scale. Moreover, you can also use the finished composts for marketing applications.

Solid organic waste treatment technology for fermenting industry
There are traditional ways for organic wastes compositing, such as, farmers compost raw materials at home, mechanical composting methods, etc. However, farmers’ homemade compost production methods are simple and time consuming. It takes no consideration of the materials ratio, materials’ heaping methods, while actually this method is anaerobic composting, which takes a major part in villages. This traditional method always takes up a lot of time, and the compost material always can not be fully decomposed with low temperature. Harmful matters, and smelly gases are easily left over. This traditional compost technology is not appropriate for fermenting industrial organic waste composting. Thus, the rapid compost technology takes a primary role on the industrial materials composting. The modern waste composting method is many customers choice for industrial compost production. It is ideal for marketing and automatic controlling. Modern ways for industrial material composting mainly relay on mechanical facilities, such as compost tanks, turners, screeners, granulators, bagging and packaging machines, etc. All theses compost facilities are available to your plants in ShunXin fertilizer machinery.

Strengths and weaknesses of industrial composting systems
In industrial composting systems, there are three main composting types, windrow composting, static composting, and reactor composting. These composting systems differ in costs, operational methods, working condition adaptability, etc. The following comparisons are details for your reference.
In terms of the investment cost, windrow composting and static composting cost less than the reactor composing.
- As for the costs in the facilities operation and maintenance, the windrow composting methods is the lowest and the reactor is the highest.
- Windrow composting and static composting operation are easier than the reactor composting operation.
- However, the reactor composting has better adoptability than the other two composting systems in working conditions.
- In odor controlling, the reactor system is the best one among the three industrial composting systems.
- The windrow composting system covers more space than the other two composting systems for industrial composting production. And the windrow composting takes longer time than the static and reactor composting system.
- While, when it comes to the composting compost quality, the static one is the best among the three composting systems.

Strengths of ShunXin industrial composting systems, compared to other industrial compost machine manufacturers
- Complete range of compost production facilities. In ShunXin fertilizer machinery, there are solid and liquid separators for your rich moisture content materials processing, compost tanks for materials fermenting, and different types of turners for materials aerobatic composition.
- Expertized solutions for your raw materials fertilizer production.
- Cost-effective products for your fertilizer plants reference. All types of industrial machines are at factory price level.
Customized services provided. The factory can tailor a machine especially suitable to your working sites.

Industrial composting process types available to your compost sites
Different industrial composting systems have different composting processes. Generally, there are two types, one is the opening processes and the other one is closed composting processes. In ShunXin, the two composting processes are both available to your compost manufacturing plants.
In the open type composting process, there are industrial composting facilities with rotary blats for windrow composting, and windrow turning facilities for natural blasting. All theses two types of facilities for compost processing shall be equipped with compost mixers.

- In the closing composting processes, there are four types of composting methods. The first one is tunnel composing, which is a static composting method. The second one is mixed groove type composting method, which needs compost mixing machines for aerobatic blasting. The third one is rotary type composting method which needs turners to increase the materials air contacting.
- The fourth one is the in-vessel composting method, and it needs blast padding to the material composting method.
All the above composting processes match certain compost facilities, there are complete range of composting machines for your industrial compost production in ShunXin compost facility factory.
How much does an industrial composting machine cost?
- Different industrial composting processes need configure different compost equipment. Thus, the cost of industrial composing machines varies from one to another.
- The higher configuration of the machine for compost manufacturing, and the higher will you pay for the industrial composting machine price.
- However, for some customers, a medium facility configuration will be perfect for your compost manufacturing in the industrialization scale.
- All that should be based on your own budgets and working environment requirements.
In the machines cost and the price, ShunXin compost facility will offer you at affordable level. And you can configure any types fit for your plants in your local policy, materials processing requirements, sites, and production scales, your investments, etc.
Items you should consider to invest on an industrial composting system

Every one of us want to configure a high-performance composting system with reasonable prices. Thus, before investing one, the following items just for your equipment configuring reference.
- Facilitate your compost systems based on the industrial materials you need composting.
- Different materials need different compost facilities to process. Some facilities are quite necessary for the raw material composting, while others are not.
- Site constructions. Does your site have enough space to equip the compost system? Are theses facilities need base constructions?
- How about your compost throughput? Does the facility can meet it?
- Are the industrial composting machines being suitable for your country’s environmental protection policy, and your country’s climate?
- Do the industrial machines for compost production based on the above items.
Compost production business & industrial scale composting
People start up the compost production business at an industrial scale want to treat considerable volumes of organic wastes, like animal manure, chicken manure, cow manure, horse manure, industrial fermented materials, like brewery industrial wastes, etc. Usually, to process these large quantities of organic materials into compost fertilizer, choose a quality compost industrial equipment is the first and important thing. In ShunXin fertilizer equipment manufacturer factory, we have complete range of fertilizer machinery for industrial composting allows industrial compost business manufacturers manage your organic wastes with efficiency, convenience and cleanliness.
Industrial composting process
The whole industrial composting business include many scopes, from business or project survey to the industrial compost machine selection, customers need to make different preparations, in site buildings, budgets investment, materials selection, fertilizer equipment manufacture or supplier choosing, site design, machine installation, etc. Customers when choosing ShunXin fertilizer machinery, you will get turnkey solutions on these scopes.

What is industrial composting?
Industrial composting, on one hand, refers to make composts at an industrial scale, which means treating tons of organic wastes to composts for commercial purpose. On the other hand, it also means that to make composts in different industries or turn different types of organic compostable industrial wastes into valuable composts. In most circumstances, those customers want to make industrial composting always make composts at a large scale.
Large scale industrial composting techniques
To make industrial composts at a large scale, customers need to have the large-scale industrial composting techniques. Thus, choose a reliable and qualified large-scale compost industrial equipment manufacturer is quite important. The supplier or manufacturer shall be qualified and experienced in these industrial composting businesses. As a dedicated compost equipment manufacturer, Shunxin fertilizer machinery has its own R&D teams to manufacture qualified industrial compost facilities. Since its funding in 2005, till now, the factory has developed different types of industrial compost machine, like self-propelled type compost turner, moving type compost turner, crawler type compost turner and forklift compost turner for windrow composting, wheel type compost turner and groove type compost equipment for trench industrial composting.

How does industrial composting work?
Only mixed with different types of high nutrient organic industrial materials, like cow manure, chicken manure, horse manure, straw materials, can your industrial composting plant will get high quality finished compost products. If the industrial materials contain unqualified materials, like plastics, stones. Sands or chemical harmful materials, you need screen these materials out. So, to ensure your industrial composting work moving on, a turnkey solution shall be made from equipment to market survey. You may have different types of problems in industrial compost production business building, here in shunxin fertilizer machinery, you will have a turnkey solution from industrial compost production line design solution’s layout to industrial equipment machine onsite installation.
How to make industrial quantities of organic compost?
There are many different ways to make industrial quantities of organic composts, when you choose different types of industrial composting facilities.
In-vessel composting
First, if you want to turn your quantities of industrial organic wastes into composts as fast as possible, when you have enough budgets on the business for industrial composting, you can choose a in-vessel composting equipment, this type of compost industrial equipment using aerobatic compost technology can compost industrial tons of organic wastes within two weeks.

Windrow composting
Second, if you have large space of sites to make composts for your industrial wastes. And you want to make composts at an open site, windrow composting is also another way to compost industrial organic wastes, in this way, choosing a matched windrow compost turner is the key, in ShunXin compost turner machine factory, for customers windrow composting convenience, we manufacturer different types of industrial composting tuners at different configurations, crawler type compost turners, moving compost turners, and forklift compost turners. If you want to make industrial composts at a large scale in windrow composting method, the crawler type is the primary choice. For medium size industrial wastes composting, moving type compost turner is ok. However, if you want to make organic wastes industrial at a small scale, the forklift compost turner will be ok.

Trench composting
Third, trench composting is available for customers want to manage your industrial wastes in a more controllable way. For trench composting industrial wastes, ShunXin manufactured groove type compost turners, chain type compost turners, and wheel type compost turners. These three types of compost turners for trench composting, customers can choose based on your processing capacities, and budgets. The wheel type compost turner is available for large scale industrial composting, while for small to medium seize industrial composting, customer can choose groove type and chain type compost turner.

Details you need to know the machines prices, costs and compost fertilizer production solutions, be free to contact us.